Office Renovation

Our Professional & Expert Team

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Why Choose Our Service?

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Expert People

Our team takes up everything. We have experienced engineers.

Certified Company

We have been approved nationally and internationally as great service providers

Quality Work

We are taking over the industry, in a slow, sure way

24/7 Support

Our services do not stop at completion of the projects, we offer maintenance round the clock

  • Capital Improvements: Beautifying the building itself. This typically includes the lobbies, the main restrooms, any exterior work, and any common-area or exterior lighting work. Even more importantly, we establish the longest list possible of amenities which will improve the lives of our tenants. Such amenities include very high-end fitness centers, first-class common conference rooms, 24/7 chill zones with soft seating, Wi-Fi and laptop bars, car detailing, shoeshine, concierge service, etc.
  • Tenant Improvements: Commercial office units usually don’t come pre-built with fixtures, walls and finishes the way apartments or houses do. The tenants usually get a bare box that they then upgrade to their own specifications. Interestingly, over the last 10 years we have made significant revisions to this “conventional wisdom”. When we buy an existing building, we often find raw tenant spaces that either have never been built out or have very dated build outs which include old lighting, old carpeting, wall configurations that are dated, etc. When we renovate a building, one of our most important budget items is to make all of the vacant spaces much more marketable by either pre-building the space or changing all of the finishes to the space to bring it up to a very modern look.

Offering great service with quality material.

This is especially true of A+ renovations that use premium materials. The rarity of the materials doesn’t just drive up the cost and increase the appeal of the property—these materials take a long time to find because they are rare!